How to choose
the right sleeping bag ?
Indispensable and recommended up to the age of 18 months to cover baby while he sleeps, the sleeping bag, also known as a turbulette, comes in a variety of shapes and materials. So how do you go about choosing this cozy little nest in which your baby will spend a good part of the night... or even the day, in the case of newborns !

Which sleeping bag should you choose this season ?
Of course, there are winter sleeping bags made from warm, wadded fabrics and, at vertbaudet, with removable sleeves to kick-start the mid-season ! Summer sleeping bags, on the other hand, are lighter, made from breathable materials and sleeveless. But here's the thing ! Depending on the region you're in, or even the vagaries of the weather, how do you know exactly how much baby needs to be covered up to sleep ?
In fact, to be sure you're making the right choice, it's best to refer to what's known as the TOG !

What is TOG?
TOG (Thermal Overall Grade) is the measure of a sleeping bag's thermal resistance. Laboratory-tested, this is the indicator you need to refer to to guarantee baby's ideal sleeping temperature and well-being.
In short, the higher the TOG, the warmer the sleeping bag.
TOG 1 and 1.5 sleeping bags, without filling, are made from lightweight materials. View collection
The TOG 2 and 2.5 sleeping bags are timeless little cocoons that adapt to most seasons. View collection
The TOG 3 and 3.5 sleeping bags feature warm materials and soft fillings, and are recommended for the winter season. View collection
How to choose the right TOG !
Choosing the ideal TOG couldn't be simpler: just refer to our table, which recommends the different TOGs to adopt, depending on the temperature of your baby's bedroom. Pyjamas, bodysuits... It also indicates the different combinations possible depending on the season.